Acoustic Research Tool (ART)
This is the complete list of members for ARTelement, including all inherited members.
AppendDataProp(const string name, ARTvariant *val, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") | ARTobject | |
AppendDataProp(const string name, const double val, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | |
AppendDataProp(const string name, const float val, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | |
AppendDataProp(const string name, const string val, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | |
AppendDataProp(const string name, const int val, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | |
AppendDataProp(const string name, const string *val, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | |
AppendDataProp(ARTdataProp *dataProp) (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | |
AppendListProp(const string name, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") | ARTobject | |
AppendMethod(const string name, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") | ARTobject | |
AppendProperty(const string name, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") | ARTobject | |
ARTcell(const string name="", const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") (defined in ARTcell) | ARTcell | inline |
ARTcell(const ARTcell &orig) | ARTcell | inline |
ARTelement(const string name, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="", ARTmodelInterface *prototype=NULL, ARTsimulator *sim=NULL) (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | |
ARTmodelInterface(const string name, const string sds, const string lds, const string htm) | ARTmodelInterface | inline |
ARTmodelInterface(const ARTmodelInterface &orig) | ARTmodelInterface | inline |
ARTobject(const string name, const string sds="", const string lds="", const string htm="") | ARTobject | inline |
ARTobject(const ARTobject &orig) | ARTobject | |
circuit | ARTmodelInterface | protected |
clone() (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | inlinevirtual |
CloneModel() | ARTelement | inlinevirtual |
CopyMethodListEntries(ARTobject *obj) | ARTobject | |
CopyPropertyListEntries(ARTobject *obj) | ARTobject | |
DeleteMethod(ARTmethod *mtd) | ARTobject | |
DeleteProperty(ARTproperty *prp) | ARTobject | |
FindMethod(const string nam) | ARTobject | |
FindProperty(const string nam) | ARTobject | |
GetHelpFilename() const (defined in ARTcell) | ARTcell | inline |
GetLongDescription() const (defined in ARTcell) | ARTcell | inline |
GetMethodList() (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | inline |
GetMethods(ARTmethod *pos) | ARTobject | |
GetName() const (defined in ARTcell) | ARTcell | inline |
GetProperties(ARTproperty *pos) | ARTobject | |
GetPropertyList() (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | inline |
GetShortDescription() const (defined in ARTcell) | ARTcell | inline |
HasBends() (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | virtual |
helpFile_ | ARTcell | protected |
InputImpedance(WaveObjectInterface *in, WaveObjectInterface *&out) | ARTelement | inlinevirtual |
InputImpedance(vector< WaveObjectInterface * > &in, WaveObjectInterface *&oSignal) (defined in ARTmodelInterface) | ARTmodelInterface | inlinevirtual |
IsPrototypeProperty(ARTproperty *p) (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | inline |
longDesc_ | ARTcell | protected |
methodList_ (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | protected |
miter_ (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | protected |
model (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | |
name_ | ARTcell | protected |
piter_ (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | protected |
PrepareCalculation() (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | virtual |
Pressure(WaveObjectInterface *, WaveObjectInterface *&) | ARTelement | inlinevirtual |
Pressure(vector< WaveObjectInterface * > &in, WaveObjectInterface *&oSignal) (defined in ARTmodelInterface) | ARTmodelInterface | inlinevirtual |
propertyList_ (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | protected |
RadiationImpedance(WaveObjectInterface *&out) | ARTelement | inlinevirtual |
Rename(const string newname) (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | inlinevirtual |
SetCircuit(ARTcircuit *cir) | ARTmodelInterface | inline |
SetName(const string name) (defined in ARTcell) | ARTcell | inline |
SetPropertyList(list< ARTproperty * > &l) (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | inline |
SetScope(ARTsimulator *sim) (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | |
SetSimulator(ARTsimulator *sim) | ARTmodelInterface | |
shortDesc_ | ARTcell | protected |
simulator | ARTmodelInterface | protected |
wavefrontIn (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | |
wavefrontOut (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | |
z_inp (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | |
z_rad (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | |
~ARTcell() (defined in ARTcell) | ARTcell | inlinevirtual |
~ARTelement() (defined in ARTelement) | ARTelement | inlinevirtual |
~ARTobject() (defined in ARTobject) | ARTobject | virtual |