Acoustic Research Tool (ART)
This is the complete list of members for BesselSection, including all inherited members.
BesselSection(const bool canModify=false, const bool canSplit=false, const double length=100.0, const double rIn=1.0, const double rOut=2.0, const double flare=2, const float tempC=21.0, const float lossF=1.0, const float humidity=80, const float xc=382, const string name=" ", Matrix MA=NULL, Matrix MB=NULL, double rr=0.0) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inline |
BesselSection(const bool canModify, const bool canSplit, const double minLength, const double maxLength, const double minRin, const double maxRin, const double minRout, const double maxRout, const double minFlare, const double maxFlare) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | |
BesselSection(HornElement *c) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | |
BORERESOLUTION_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
BranchImpedanceList(list< Matrix > *ImpListe) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
canModify_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
canSplit_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
clone() (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inlinevirtual |
coneTlaAccumulate(const double w, const double Xin, const double Xout, const double Rin, const double Rout, const float T, const float F, const float H, const float XC, SimpleMatrix *a) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
cylBendMultimodeAccumulate(const double w, const double length, const double radius, const double bendRadius, const bool lossy, const float T, const float Humidity, const float XC, Matrix *a) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
cylBendMultimodeInputImpedance(const double w, Matrix *Zout, const double length, const double radius, const double bendRadius, const bool lossy, const float T, const float L, const float Humidity, const float XC) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
cylMultimodeAccumulate(const double w, const double length, const double radius, const bool lossy, const bool bends, const float T, const float F, const float H, const float XC, Matrix *a) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
cylMultimodeInputImpedance(const double w, Matrix *Zout, const double length, const double radius, const bool lossy, const bool simplified, const bool bends, const float T, const float L, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
cylTlaAccumulate(const double w, const double length, const double radius, const float T, const float F, const float H, const float XC, SimpleMatrix *a) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
cylZorumskiPlaneRadiation(const double w, const double radius, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
D1_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
D2_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
D_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
D_F_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
Dmn(const double tau, const int m, const int n, const double kR) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
Dn(const double tau, const int i, const double kR) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
elementCrossover(const HornElement &m, HornElement *s, HornElement *b, const float pcross) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
elementInitialise(const double previousRout) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
F_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
F_MAX_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
F_MIN_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
filename() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
findExtremeRadius(const double x, const bool isMax) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | |
findPosition(const double r) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | |
findRadius(const double x) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
FirstElement(const int val) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
FirstElement() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
FirstElement_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
flare() const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inline |
flare(const double flare) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inline |
flare_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
Freq (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | static |
getboreresolution() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
getdf() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
getfmax() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
getfmin() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
gethumidity() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
GetImpedance(const double w, const int IndFreq) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
getlossF() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
getlossy() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
getName() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
getnModes() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
GetParallelImpedance(const double w, const int IndFreq) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
getPropertyPointer(const char *name) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inlinevirtual |
getSaveString() const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
getsimplified() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
gettempC() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
getxc() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
gradientIn() const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
gradientOut() const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
haveInitMatrices (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
HornElement(const float tempC=21.0, const float lossF=1.0, const float humidity=80, const float xc=382, const string name=" ", int type=-1, Matrix MA=NULL, Matrix MB=NULL, double rr=0.0, double length=0.0, const bool canSplit=false, const bool canModify=false) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
humidity_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
I_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
ImpEltsAcoustic() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
ImpLengthCorrection() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
initMatrices() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlineprotectedstatic |
jumpMultimodeInputImpedance(const double w, double *rr, Matrix *A, Matrix *B, Matrix *Zout, const double rIn, const double rOut, const bool bends, const float T) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
jumpMultimodeTransmMatrix(double zeta, const bool bends, Matrix *a) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
ki_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
kn(const double w, const double radius, const bool lossy, const bool bends, const float T, const float L, const float H, const float XC, dcomp *kn) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
length() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
length(const double length) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
length_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
lossF_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
LOSSY_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
MA_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
maxFlare_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
maxLength_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
maxRin_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
maxRout_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
MB_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
mIndex(const int alpha, const bool bends) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlineprotectedstatic |
minFlare_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
minLength_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
minRin_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
minRout_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
MultimodeAccumulate(const double w, int IndFreq, const bool bends, Matrix *a, const int Ind, vector< int > &mem, Matrix *zt, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList, vector< int > &IndHole) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
multimodeInputImpedance(const double w, const bool bends, Matrix *Zout) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
multimodeRadiationImpedance(const double w, const bool bends, const int IndFreq, Matrix *result) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
multimodeRadiationImpedanceClosedEnd(const double w, const bool bends, Matrix *result) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
multimodeRadiationImpedanceOpenEnd(const double w, const bool bends, Matrix *result) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
multimodeRadiationImpedanceTerminated(const double w, const bool bends, Matrix *result, const dcomp z_trm) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
mutate(const float pmut, const float mu, const double previousRout) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
MZ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
Name() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
name_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
NbHole() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
nIndex(const int beta, const bool bends) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlineprotectedstatic |
nModes_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
nudgeFlare(const double target) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inline |
PlaneWaveRadiationImpedance_TermElt(const double w) const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
print() const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
PutHoleParam(const double length_Hole, const double radius_Hole) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
PutRoutParam(const double rOut) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
radiationImpedance(const double w) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
radiationImpedanceInfiniteCylPipe(const double w, Matrix *result, const double radius, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
radiationImpedanceLevine(const double w, double *InputRadius, dcomp *z_t) const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
radiationImpedanceLevineCone(const double w, const double Xin, const double Xout, const double Rin, const double Rout, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
radiationImpedanceLevineCyl(const double w, const double radius, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
radiationImpedanceTerminated(const double w, Matrix *result, const double radius, const bool bends, const float T, const float H, const float XC, const dcomp z_trm) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
radiationImpedanceZorumski(const double w, Matrix *result, const double radius, const bool bends, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
RadiationType() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
rIn() const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inlinevirtual |
rIn(const double rIn) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inline |
rIn_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
rOut() const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inlinevirtual |
rOut(const double rOut) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | inline |
rOut_ (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | protected |
rr_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
setboreresolution(const double boreresolution) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
setdf(const double df) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
setfmax(const double fmax) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
setfmin(const double fmin) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
sethumidity(float humidity) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
SetImpedanceFile(const char filemame[], int RadHole, int Contrib, vector< Matrix > &Z) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | static |
setlossF(float lossF) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
setlossy(const bool lossy) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
setName(string name) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
setnModes(const int nModes) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
setsimplified(const bool simplified) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinestatic |
settempC(float tempC) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
setxc(float xc) (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
SIMPLIFIED_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
split(list< HornElement * > &l, list< HornElement * >::iterator &iter) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
tempC_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
TlaAccumulate(const double w, int IndFreq, SimpleMatrix *a, const int Ind, vector< int > &mem, dcomp *zt, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList, vector< int > &IndHole) (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
type() const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inline |
type_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
xc_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protected |
Zc_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
ZcInv_ (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | protectedstatic |
ZorumskiPlaneRadiation(const double w) const (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | virtual |
zt(const double w) const (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |
~BesselSection() (defined in BesselSection) | BesselSection | |
~HornElement() (defined in HornElement) | HornElement | inlinevirtual |