Acoustic Research Tool (ART)
This is the complete list of members for ImpedanceCurve, including all inherited members.
append(const double x, const double r) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
append(const double x, const double r, const double f) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
append(const double x, const dcomp r) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
clear() (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
convertToStandard() (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
copyArrays(double x[], double r[], int size) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
copyArrays(double x[], double r[], double f[], int size) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
copyLists(list< double > x, list< double > r) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
copyLists(list< double > x, list< double > r, list< double > f) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
efp(const double F, const double fn, const int n) const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
fArray_ (defined in Horn) | Horn | protected |
findPeaks(const bool ignoreNoise) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
fIter_ (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getCentList(const int x, const int y) const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
getF() const (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getF(int i) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getFcurrent() const (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getImpedance(const double f) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
getMagnitude(const double f) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
getOutputMode() const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
getPeakList(const int x, const int y) const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
getPeakListCounter() const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
getPeakNames(const int x, const int y) const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
getR() const (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getR(int i) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getRcurrent() const (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getSize() const (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getVerboseMode() const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
getX() const (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getX(int i) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getXcurrent() const (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
getY() const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
getY(int i) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
harmonicityPlot(const double efpMin, const double efpMax, const int nEvals, const int peakMin, const int peakMax, char filename[], const double F) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
harmonicityPlot(const double efpMin, const double efpMax, const int nEvals, const int peakMin, const int peakMax, char filename[]) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
Horn() (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
Horn(double x[], double r[], int size) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
Horn(double x[], double r[], double f[], int size) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
Horn(double x, double r) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
Horn(double x, double r, double f) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
Horn(Horn &a) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
ImpedanceCurve() (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
importBIAS(const char filename[]) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
insert(const double x, const double r) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
insert(const double x, const double r, const double f) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
insert(const double x, const dcomp r) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
inverseEFP(const double efp, const double F, const int i) const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
itersAtEnd() (defined in Horn) | Horn | inline |
itersNearEnd() (defined in Horn) | Horn | inline |
load(const char filename[]) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
namePeaks() (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
operator=(const ImpedanceCurve &a) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
operator=(Horn &a) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
orderedAdd(const double x, const double r) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
orderedAdd(const double x, const dcomp r) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
peakListAppend(const double x, const double y) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
peakListAppend(const double x, const double y, const double e) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
peakListModify(const double x, const double y) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
peakListModify(const double x, const double y, const double e) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
print(const bool carriageReturn) const (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
printPeakData() const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
printPeaks() const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
printPeaks(double *insParams) const (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
rArray_ (defined in Horn) | Horn | protected |
rIter_ (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
save(const char filename[]) (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
saveImpedancePlot(const char filename[]) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
saveLists(const char filename[], const bool fromSaveAsMaple) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
scoreChallenge() (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
scoreChallengeEFP() (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
scoreCurve(ImpedanceCurve *target, const float cic, const float mu_z) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
scorePeaks(const objectiveParameters *params, const bool scoreFreq, const bool scoreHeight) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | |
setItersToBegin() (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
setItersToEnd() (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
setOutputMode(const bool outputMode) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
setVerboseMode(const bool isVerbose) (defined in ImpedanceCurve) | ImpedanceCurve | inline |
xArray_ (defined in Horn) | Horn | protected |
xIter_ (defined in Horn) | Horn | |
~Horn() (defined in Horn) | Horn |