Acoustic Research Tool (ART)  v0.10
WindInstrument Member List

This is the complete list of members for WindInstrument, including all inherited members.

append(HornElement *a, bool addJumps) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
begin() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
BORERESOLUTION_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
BranchImpedanceList(list< Matrix > *ImpListe) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
canModify_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
canSplit_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
check() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
chglossF(const float lossF) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
chgtempC(const float tempC) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
cleanElements() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
clone(CloneMethod) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
clone() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
Compare(const GAGenome &, const GAGenome &) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinestatic
compareBore(const char instrumentFile[], const char outputFile[]) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
coneTlaAccumulate(const double w, const double Xin, const double Xout, const double Rin, const double Rout, const float T, const float F, const float H, const float XC, SimpleMatrix *a) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
copy(const GAGenome &orig) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
copyLists(list< HornElement * > *orig) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
cylBendMultimodeAccumulate(const double w, const double length, const double radius, const double bendRadius, const bool lossy, const float T, const float Humidity, const float XC, Matrix *a) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
cylBendMultimodeInputImpedance(const double w, Matrix *Zout, const double length, const double radius, const double bendRadius, const bool lossy, const float T, const float L, const float Humidity, const float XC) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
cylMultimodeAccumulate(const double w, const double length, const double radius, const bool lossy, const bool bends, const float T, const float F, const float H, const float XC, Matrix *a) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
cylMultimodeInputImpedance(const double w, Matrix *Zout, const double length, const double radius, const bool lossy, const bool simplified, const bool bends, const float T, const float L, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
cylTlaAccumulate(const double w, const double length, const double radius, const float T, const float F, const float H, const float XC, SimpleMatrix *a) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
cylZorumskiPlaneRadiation(const double w, const double radius, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
D1_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
D2_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
D_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
D_F_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
Dmn(const double tau, const int m, const int n, const double kR) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
Dn(const double tau, const int i, const double kR) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
elementCrossover(const HornElement &m, HornElement *s, HornElement *b, const float pcross) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
elementInitialise(const double previousRout) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentvirtual
erase() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
erase(int i) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
Evaluate(GAGenome &) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinestatic
F_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
F_MAX_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
F_MIN_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
filename() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
findRadius(const double x) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentvirtual
FirstElement(const int val) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinevirtual
FirstElement() const (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinevirtual
FirstElement_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
fixedTerm_ (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentstatic
Freq (defined in HornElement)HornElementstatic
GADefineIdentity("WindInstrument", 223) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
getboreresolution() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
getdf() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
getElement(int i) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
getfmax() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
getfmin() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
getHasTarget() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinestatic
gethumidity() const (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
GetImpedance(const double w, const int IndFreq) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
getImpedanceCurve() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
getInputImpedance(const double f, const int t, int IndFreq, const int Contrib, const double gain, const int val, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList, const int var, vector< int > &IndHole, const int accumulate) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
getInputImpedance(const double f, const int t, const bool accum) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
getList() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
getlossF() const (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
getlossy() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
getName() const (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
getnModes() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
getOutputMode() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
GetParallelImpedance(const double w, const int IndFreq) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
getParam(const double Freq, const double IndFreq, const int Contrib, const int Ind, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList, const int var, vector< int > &IndHole) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
getPropertyPointer(const char *name) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinevirtual
getRadiationImpedance(const double Freq, const double IndFreq, const int Contrib, const int Ind, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList, const int var, vector< int > &IndHole) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
getSaveString() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
getsimplified() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
getSize() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
getSize() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
getTarget() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinestatic
gettempC() const (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
GetTerminationImpedance(const double w, int IndFreq, Matrix *zt, int test, int NextPos, vector< int > &mem, HornElement *iter, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
GetTerminationImpedance(const double w, int IndFreq, dcomp *zt, int test, int NextPos, vector< int > &mem, HornElement *iter, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
getxc() const (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
gradientIn() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
gradientOut() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
hasBends_ (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentstatic
hasBranch_ (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentstatic
haveInitMatrices (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
HornElement(const float tempC=21.0, const float lossF=1.0, const float humidity=80, const float xc=382, const string name=" ", int type=-1, Matrix MA=NULL, Matrix MB=NULL, double rr=0.0, double length=0.0, const bool canSplit=false, const bool canModify=false) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
humidity_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
I_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
impedanceCurve (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
ImpEltsAcoustic() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
ImpLengthCorrection() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
initMatrices() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlineprotectedstatic
inputImpedanceMagnitude(const double f, const int term, const bool accumulate) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
insert(HornElement *a) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
iter (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
jumpMultimodeInputImpedance(const double w, double *rr, Matrix *A, Matrix *B, Matrix *Zout, const double rIn, const double rOut, const bool bends, const float T) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
jumpMultimodeTransmMatrix(double zeta, const bool bends, Matrix *a) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
ki_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
kn(const double w, const double radius, const bool lossy, const bool bends, const float T, const float L, const float H, const float XC, dcomp *kn) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
length() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
length(const double length) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinevirtual
length_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
ListCrossover(const GAGenome &m, const GAGenome &d, GAGenome *s, GAGenome *b) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentstatic
ListInitializer(GAGenome &c) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentstatic
ListMutator(GAGenome &c, float pmut) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentstatic
ListSplit(bool modifyDefault) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
load(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
loadBase(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentstatic
loadElemental(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
loadPointwise(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
loadTargetImpedanceCurve(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinestatic
lossF_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
LOSSY_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
MA_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
MB_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
mIndex(const int alpha, const bool bends) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlineprotectedstatic
MultimodeAccumulate(const double w, int IndFreq, const bool bends, Matrix *a, const int Ind, vector< int > &mem, Matrix *zt, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList, vector< int > &IndHole) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentvirtual
multimodeInputImpedance(const double w, const bool bends, Matrix *Zout) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentvirtual
multimodeRadiationImpedance(const double w, const bool bends, const int IndFreq, Matrix *result) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
multimodeRadiationImpedanceClosedEnd(const double w, const bool bends, Matrix *result) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
multimodeRadiationImpedanceOpenEnd(const double w, const bool bends, Matrix *result) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
multimodeRadiationImpedanceTerminated(const double w, const bool bends, Matrix *result, const dcomp z_trm) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
mutate(const float pmut, const float mu, const double previousRout) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentvirtual
MZ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
Name() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
name_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
NbHole() const (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinevirtual
nIndex(const int beta, const bool bends) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlineprotectedstatic
nModes_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
operator=(const GAGenome &orig) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
paramRefs_ (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
parseBool(const char input[], int *ptr) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
parseDcomp(const char input[], int *ptr) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
parseDouble(const char input[], int *ptr) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
parseInt(const char input[], int *ptr) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
parseString(const char input[], int *ptr) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
PlaneWaveRadiationImpedance_TermElt(const double w) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
print() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentvirtual
printDescription() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
printImpedanceCurve(const bool carriageReturn) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
printList(bool indent) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
printList(const bool indent) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
PutHoleParam(const double length_Hole, const double radius_Hole) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
PutRoutParam(const double rOut) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
radiationImpedance(const double w) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
radiationImpedanceInfiniteCylPipe(const double w, Matrix *result, const double radius, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
radiationImpedanceLevine(const double w, double *InputRadius, dcomp *z_t) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
radiationImpedanceLevineCone(const double w, const double Xin, const double Xout, const double Rin, const double Rout, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
radiationImpedanceLevineCyl(const double w, const double radius, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
radiationImpedanceTerminated(const double w, Matrix *result, const double radius, const bool bends, const float T, const float H, const float XC, const dcomp z_trm) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
radiationImpedanceZorumski(const double w, Matrix *result, const double radius, const bool bends, const float T, const float H, const float XC) (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
RadiationType() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
recursiveCombinedFindPeak(const double xLeft, const double rLeft, const double xCentre, const double rCentre, const double xRight, const double rRight, const double epsilon, const int counter, const int t, const bool accum) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
recursiveQuadraticFindPeak(const double xLeft, const double rLeft, const double xCentre, const double rCentre, const double xRight, const double rRight, const double epsilon, const int counter, const int t, const bool accum) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
refinePeaks(const double epsilon, const int t, const bool accumulate) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
refinePeaks(const double epsilon) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
rIn() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
rosen(double *params) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
roughPlot(const int nModes, const double fmin, const double fmax, const int nPoints, const bool accumulate) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
roughPlot(const int nModes, const double fmin, const double fmax, const int nPoints, const bool accumulate, const int termination) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
rOut() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
rr_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
runScript(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
save(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
saveElemental(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
saveImpedancePlot(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
saveInstrumentPlot(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
savePointwise(const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
savePointwise(std::ofstream *file, double *x, const bool asMaple) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
setboreresolution(const double boreresolution) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
setdf(const double df) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
setfmax(const double fmax) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
setfmin(const double fmin) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
sethumidity(float humidity) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
SetImpedanceFile(const char filemame[], int RadHole, int Contrib, vector< Matrix > &Z) (defined in HornElement)HornElementstatic
setIterToBegin() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
setIterToEnd() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
setLength(double length) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
setlossF(float lossF) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
setlossy(const bool lossy) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
setName(string name) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
setnModes(const int nModes) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinevirtual
setOutputMode(const bool isMaple) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
setsimplified(const bool simplified) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinestatic
setSupressedLists(const bool isSupressed) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
settempC(float tempC) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
setToDefault() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
setVerboseMode(const bool isVerbose) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
setxc(float xc) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinline
SIMPLIFIED_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
split(list< HornElement * > &l, list< HornElement * >::iterator &iter) (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinevirtual
stringEquality(char a[], char b[]) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
tempC_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
term (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
TlaAccumulate(const double w, int IndFreq, SimpleMatrix *a, const int Ind, vector< int > &mem, dcomp *zt, list< Matrix > *ImpedanceList, vector< int > &IndHole) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentvirtual
toLowerCase(char a[]) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
type() const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinline
type_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
WindInstrument() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
WindInstrument(const char filename[], const bool setDefault) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
WindInstrument(const WindInstrument &a) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
WindInstrument(HornElement *c) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
WindInstrument(const bool supressedLists, const char filename[]) (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
write(std::ostream &os) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument
xc_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotected
Zc_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
ZcInv_ (defined in HornElement)HornElementprotectedstatic
ZorumskiPlaneRadiation(const double w) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
zt(const double w) const (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrumentinlinevirtual
~HornElement() (defined in HornElement)HornElementinlinevirtual
~WindInstrument() (defined in WindInstrument)WindInstrument